Friday, 29 June 2012
Laid-back in Leighton Buzzard
For the past 10 days we stayed in Leighton Buzzard because I had a good broadband signal and needed to do some work. We stayed about 1 mile outside the town itself, next to a nice park with lots of wild flowers, rabbits and a lake. It was a peaceful place to stay, nestling at the end of a row of narrowboats. The town itself has a man who carries a guitar and plays maraccas, seemingly for no reward. The people are friendly and the town is pleasantly old fashioned, with a market every Saturday. The high street is suffering a little from a glut of charity and pound shops, but has everything you need.
Two interesting things happened while we were there – a cow in the field next to us hurt its leg and had to be confined in a field on its own for several days and on our last day we watched a police search in said field (nothing to do with the cow). They said they were looking for a person, a helicopter came over and firemen were thrashing about by the canal with sticks.
Also whilst here, I bought Dale a fishing rod for his last year's birthday present and he was thrilled with it, but there was a canoe race along the canal on Sunday, and he thinks they frightened all the fish away.
On Wednesday I finished my June magazine so we set off to Tescos to get water, empty toilets, and throw rubbish away. We went into Tescos to get some shopping. When we came out the maraccas man was there shaking his maraccas, singing, poking the trees and saying good morning to everyone. It was very jolly. Then we continued our journey through pretty countryside and a very pretty lock - Leighton Lock, to reach the Globe where we were going to meet my friends Helli and Chris. The Globe is a very old and pretty canalside pub and it's very popular, was packed. We went in and asked if dogs were allowed - yes they were - so I went and got Molly. On the way back to the boat a man who was sitting on a boat watching said "I remember you, I gave you a lift the other day". It was the man who gave us a lift to the shops in Pitstone! He was working on his boat, ferrying people to the pub and back. I went back into the pub and Chris and Helli arrived. Chris was the drummer with Lonnie Donegan for 23 years and Helli was a "Hill's Angel" with Benny Hill in the 70s and later did a lot of work with Harvey Goldsmith putting on events. They brought their little dog Kiki, a rescue dog with them. Molly growled at Kiki when Kiki tried to jump up on her seat, which resulted in Kiki shaking with fear. Kiki was so sweet! Helli and Chris have recently moved to Leighton Buzzard and they like it there. It's like countryside to them because they used to live in Lambeth. They know the maraccas man. We mentioned the missing person drama and they said lots of things seem to go on in Leighton Buzzard. There's supposed to be a big cat on the loose as well.
Eventually we went back to the boat and had a pleasant cruise to our home for the night, which was in Old Linslade, surrounded by stunning countryside.
On Thursday I did some painting, then we set off towards Fenny Stratford. We drove through some absolutely stunning countryside in Old Linslade and Soulbury. I noticed there are lots of wild roses everywhere this year.
When we got to Soulbury three locks a man joined us on a small cruiser. He had to walk with a stick but had got through 400 locks on his boat - he had been everywhere. We went through the 3 locks and then stopped at the pub there called the Grand Union. It was a beautiful day and we sat outside and had a couple of drinks. Carried on after that through some amazing countryside. The lock at Stoke Hammond was heartbreakingly beautiful. We went on and arrived at Water Eaton on the outskirts of Fenny Stratford. Decided to stay there for the night.
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Startops End to Leighton Buzzard

Thursday, 14 June 2012
Northchurch to Marsworth
On Tuesday the weather was cloudy but the rain held off. I was busy with work. Dale discovered the reason for the lack of reverse gear – a big tarpaulin had got tangled up with the propellor! Somebody's nicked our broom! It's still cold so we've got the fire on now. We bought 2 bags of coal from a passing coal boat. We went to Northchurch village at lunchtime to get some food - Northchurch is a pleasant little village with lovely allotments, a pub and a Tesco metro, a fish and chip shop and a café. That's all you need really isn't it?
Wednesday (yesterday) was a day that reminded us why we are on this journey. The Chilterns are awesome! It was a beautiful morning and Dale heard a cuckoo while I was still asleep.
Because I haven't got much work today we set off towards Marsworth. Met a couple at Cowroast who wanted to come through the lock with us on their boat. Because they were facing the wrong way they had to reverse in. They were very nice, they've lived on their boat since last November and they wouldn't want to go back to a house. They just travel up and down from Tring to Cowroast.
We went through the Tring summit a bit gingerly because it can get very shallow. It took us about an hour. At the summit the banks rise to about 30 feet above the canal. We saw a kingfisher! Got to Bulbourne Workshop where they design metal sculptures. Dale had seen it on TV.
Got to Bulbourne - a very pretty place. I drove the narrowboat into the first of a flight of 6 locks. We waited for another boat to join us. I can't remember the name of the boat but the couple on it were lovely. They have a mooring in Harefield and were on a short holiday. He was retired and she worked part time. They were jealous of us and were looking forward to when she retired and they could do the same thing. While we were doing the locks we saw a tiny adorable puppy. It was her first walk. She was a bichon frise/yorkie cross.
The 6 locks went quite quickly because it was sunny and we were chatting to the couple. A lady came by and said she could tell Molly was loved because she walked very confidently. How sweet! We moored at Startops End by the Marsworth nature reserve. It is so beautiful here! We arrived at about 1.30pm and just had to see the local pub. The White Lion was sadly closed down so we walked down to the Anglers Retreat. What a great pub! Small and friendly locals pub just like the Tide End used to be before they did all the modernising. There was an African Grey parrot there called Rosie and she chatted away to us, but a bit quietly, so we couldn't hear what she was saying.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Saturday, 9 June 2012
Boxmoor and Winkwell
Yesterday (Friday) was mostly uneventful. We stayed put in Boxmoor as I had work to do. It rained all day and was very windy and cold. Much as I love the sound of rain pattering on the roof you can have too much of a good thing. I got so cold I resorted to hugging a hot water bottle as we don't want to sully the freshly cleaned stove.
Later that day we got ready for the highlight of the week – a visit to The Fishery Inn. It was nice inside, very busy, and the same decor as The Rose and Crown in Kings Langley, we noticed. It must be under the same management. Mostly a restaurant rather than a pub, but it has comfy chairs and we ended up staying rather longer than we intended. And spending too much money.. And drinking too much. Got home by 10pm though, in time for Eastenders.
Today (Saturday) we took Molly for a walk in the meadows beside us.
Then we set off at about 11am to get to Winkwell. Only 3 locks to Winkwell, and it's not raining today. We stopped at the boatyard there to empty the loo and also had a dink at the canalside pub, The Three Horseshoes, which is very old and is reputed to have 2 ghosts. It is a lovely old pub inside. There was a big party of people outside on the swing bridge and they all let off balloons with things tied to them. Nobody looked happy, so we concluded it must be a sad occasion.
After that we intended to go through 2 more locks and stop but everywhere seemed too shallow so we had to keep going through locks until we found somewhere. Met a man with a lovely puppy which was a cross between a brindle staffy and a siberian husky – an unusual combination.
We eventually stopped on the edge of Berkhamsted - only 3 locks to do tomorrow to get where we want to be in the centre of Berkhamsted.

Friday, 8 June 2012
We really pushed ourselves this morning - negotiating one lock and settling down in the rain in the Boxmoor area of Hemel Hempstead. We like it here because there are lots of other boats, a nice meadow with horses and foals next to us, and a nice pub called the Fisheries Inn.
I did some 'proper work' then Dale and I walked a couple of miles to the town centre in the rain and bought some food. Dale prepared a splendid meal this evening of pasta with new potatoes, green beans and pesto. (We are eating a lot of vegetables as they are cheap and we have a great cookbook called River Cottage Veg).
Tomorrow we plan to sample the hospitality of the Fisheries Inn, seeing as it's Friday night and all.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
New Adventure
We have just embarked on a year-long journey on our narrowboat 'Perros', around the canals of the UK. We started on Friday 1st of June. From Saturday 2nd to Tuesday 5th was a national holiday in the UK to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's Diamond Jubilee and sadly most of the holiday was wet and cold so a lot of people had to put up with it raining on their street parties and festivities.
We had a lovely send off from our marina on Friday mooring. We had made some lovely new friends there and they threw a little party for us.
We got to Harefield near the marina and stayed there for the first night. There was a pub there but it looked a bit dubious so we had a drink on board.
On Saturday we travelled a short distance to Croxley Green passing through some very pretty countryside. We left there on Sunday morning and cruised through drizzle to Hunton Bridge, a pleasant little village with 2 pubs and a shop. In the Kings Head we encountered a jubilee party that had been rained off and lots of excited little children were running around inside the pub. The Dog and Partridge did not live up to it's advertisements and was quite empty and forlorn. Walked quite a long way, getting lost in the process, to get a chinese takeaway for that evening.
The next morning went for a walk in some nice woods near Hunton Bridge then left in the rain to get to Kings Langley. Kings Langley is a small and pretty country town on the edge of the Chilterns. It has 2 nice pubs, the Rose and Crown (a bit posh) and the Saracens Head (unpretentious locals' boozer - more our kind of place!). The sun came out briefly while we were in Kings Langley and we went for an Indian meal in the evening.
We left Kings Langley on Tuesday morning and cruised a short way to the edge of Hemel Hempstead. Went for a lunchtime drink in the Red Lion. Advertised wi-fi but I couldnt get it on my ipad and the pub was empty and quite desolate. We walked back to the boat as people from a block of flats opposite were trying to be jolly at a communal jubilee party in the rain.
On Wednesday the holidays were over. I did 2 hours painting then we pulled the boat back to the lock to get water. Then we travelled through 3 locks through Apsley, which seemed a very nice place. Apsley marina is managed by BW and surrounded by cafés and restaurants - looks very nice but is very pricey. Now we are in the Frogmore End of Hemel Hempstead.

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