Friday, 20 March 2009

Dog on my lap


Anita said...

Did you have your sketchbook up under your chin? I just love your sketches. Its a bit like being a peeping Tom into your life. That makes me seem a little weird - I'm not, I promise!

René PleinAir said...

Nice to see what people are doing on their boats, while I am painting them, ... hehehe.

Great sketch, a bit abstract but never the less great!

Angie said...

I know you're not weird Anita - I want people to feel like that when they look at the sketches! Thanks René, sorry it is a bit abstract, just a couple of woolly things on the page!

René PleinAir said...

No sorry for the abstractness Ann, I painted abstract landscapes in my previous life, abstractions from sketches I made with palette knife and Indian ink in the field. quite large as well, .. 90 x 120 cm. So I don't mind, even more I do like the thin line between abstraction and reality, ... as in real life I guess